Sang-bo and Soo-juh-jib
The sang-bo and soo-juh-jib are items that are
traditionally made by young women i
n anticipation of marriage.
Since the bride’s mother prepares the beding.
The sang-bo is a fabric cover for food
that is laid out on a table.
When Dad is late for dinner
mom prepares his meal and
sets it out on the gae-da-ri so-ban,
a low doglegged table,
and covers everything with the sang-bo
to keep it clean.
Dad’s silver spoon & chopsticks are kept in
an embroidered silk case
to protect them from tarnishing.
Mom says that herbs and flowers
such as ginseng, bellflowers and a peony are
suitable for embroidering on the cover
because they symbolize
good health and prosperity.