A fine autumn day is
Mom’s chosen big laundry day.
After I opened her even stitches,
Carrying my baby brother in po-dae-gi
Watch and learn the steps of all.
Naked ee-bools go to sun bathe directly.
Dirty sheets go to big tub first
beaten ’n sloshed, wrung out ’n spread .
Washed sheets sun bathe after
pulled ’n clipped, bleached ’n dried.
Whitened ones go to sticky tub again
soaked ’n wrung out, spread ’n hung out
Starched sheets folded ’n rapped
stepped on ’n flattened, now ready to be beaten again
hardened ’n polished, unwrapped ’n unfolded
spread and finally dried again.
Dried ’n cleaned sheets
folded ’n wrapped again
bundled and tucked in the bottom of the chest.